Saturday, September 27, 2014

Learning from my Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes.  No one is perfect.
I make mistakes daily and reflect on them each and every day to see how I can get better.  Every day I meet with kids that have made mistakes.  Every time I meet with them I try to focus on the positive.  What can you learn from the mistake you just made?  How are you going to come back from the mistake?  Are there consequences?-YES  There are consequences for every choice we make throughout the day-some good, and some bad.  We can't help that, but we can learn something from every mistake that we make.

Don't Always hide your Mistakes

When talking to your kids, let them know that you make mistakes-They don't always need to know those, but they need to know that you aren't perfect.  They need to know that you have made them and work at correcting them.  The more you model that the more they will respond when you are talking to them about their mistakes.

For every mistake that is made there are two directions a person can go.  They can learn from it or they can not.  

Will you use it as an opportunity or Take it as a Failure?


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Google Drive

Technology has played a large part of what we do in each of our jobs. We use it differently and frequently.  Recently in the past couple years, Social Media has expanded my knowledge with being able to add "Friends" and "Colleagues from around the country to my learning circle.  It has also made dealing with students sometimes more difficult with many more ways for kids to communicate.  

When I look at myself and see how technology has best helped me, I look directly at the move our district made to Gmail a couple of years ago.  Google Docs has changed the way I can communicate with my staff members and the way that we can collaborate when it comes to helping kids become better.  

We have meeting notes, shared documents, presentations, endless data reports, etc. that is available for whoever you want to see that saves paper and saves time.  It's not necessarily anything new, but it has really helped the way that we use technology and communicate in our building.  

