Sunday, August 21, 2016

It will all work out...

Last week we welcomed BLHS students into the hallways at the high school for the year 2016-2017.  The year is finally underway and there is much learning to do.  As we approached the first days I thought about what could be a good way for kids to voice their goals for the year.  After talking with one of my teachers we came up with this idea!  What is your HOPE?  

So I ask this question- What is your HOPE for the school year?

My three HOPES for the year:
1. That everyone Encourages each other.
2. We all come with a positive attitude every day.
3. We are all committed to doing our job

The HOPE runs wild at the beginning of the year of many school districts.  Kids are excited to be back, teachers have lesson plans ready and shiny new toys.  Everyone is hopeful for a new year. Sometimes that hope goes away. It loses its shine. Hope fades in and out. What can we do to help our students and ourselves from losing the HOPE.  

One of my favorite lines is, "It will all work out."  If we can keep the HOPE, encourage each other and commit to helping each other.  It will. So I Encourage you today to KEEP YOUR HOPE.  Keep it for the year, Because it will all work out!

- @BLHS_Principal

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